Operation Kegerator
So, back in November Dave and I got a Pepsi machine. I don’t really like soda very much. I really do like beer very much. Operation Kegerator was a no brainer.
Unfortunately the machine was designed and constructed to be left outside of a High School gymnasium – it is virtually indestructible. The interior panels are made of steel and all mechanical fasteners were rivets that needed to be drilled out. Even when the panels were detached from the frame, I had to cut additional structure to pull them out. It was a great excuse to wear some safety equipment.
Once the interior panels were removed, I needed to construct a platform for the keg and CO2 tank. Rather than simply cut a piece of plywood and position it in place, I used some wood that was leftover when David didn’t want the split box spring for his queen bed, and rather than throwing the box spring in the trash, I disassembled it, and stored the wood in the garage, and since it was four pieces of wood, and had to take into consideration the cuts made to disassemble the machine I used the flat steel that was leftover from operation RackandRoll – it took a while, almost as long as it took to explain that one step.
Finally, I cut a hole in the side of the machine, through three metal panels and an inch of foam insulation. Unfortunately I don’t have any full kegs at this time, which will give me a chance to measure out and install the tubing for the gas and dispensing lines.
Number of evenings spent in the garage: 4
Trips to home depot: 5
Time home depot closed on Easter: 6pm
Number of Successful trips to home depot: 3
Number of times walked to home depot: 3
Number of Home Depot Surveys Completed: 3
Consistent ‘net promoter score’ I gave: 7
Net Promoter is a customer loyalty metric co-founded by (and a registered trademark of) Frederick F. Reichheld, Bain & Company and Satmetrix.
Number of consultants it takes to create a metric: 1
Number of consultants it takes to create a pepsi kegerator: 1
Survey drawing prize: $5,000 gift card
Cost of 7/8” Punchout Drill Bit: $34.97
Thumb smashed with sledgehammer: Left
Profanity Used: Much
So, back in November Dave and I got a Pepsi machine. I don’t really like soda very much. I really do like beer very much. Operation Kegerator was a no brainer.
Unfortunately the machine was designed and constructed to be left outside of a High School gymnasium – it is virtually indestructible. The interior panels are made of steel and all mechanical fasteners were rivets that needed to be drilled out. Even when the panels were detached from the frame, I had to cut additional structure to pull them out. It was a great excuse to wear some safety equipment.
Once the interior panels were removed, I needed to construct a platform for the keg and CO2 tank. Rather than simply cut a piece of plywood and position it in place, I used some wood that was leftover when David didn’t want the split box spring for his queen bed, and rather than throwing the box spring in the trash, I disassembled it, and stored the wood in the garage, and since it was four pieces of wood, and had to take into consideration the cuts made to disassemble the machine I used the flat steel that was leftover from operation RackandRoll – it took a while, almost as long as it took to explain that one step.
Finally, I cut a hole in the side of the machine, through three metal panels and an inch of foam insulation. Unfortunately I don’t have any full kegs at this time, which will give me a chance to measure out and install the tubing for the gas and dispensing lines.
Number of evenings spent in the garage: 4
Trips to home depot: 5
Time home depot closed on Easter: 6pm
Number of Successful trips to home depot: 3
Number of times walked to home depot: 3
Number of Home Depot Surveys Completed: 3
Consistent ‘net promoter score’ I gave: 7
Net Promoter is a customer loyalty metric co-founded by (and a registered trademark of) Frederick F. Reichheld, Bain & Company and Satmetrix.
Number of consultants it takes to create a metric: 1
Number of consultants it takes to create a pepsi kegerator: 1
Survey drawing prize: $5,000 gift card
Cost of 7/8” Punchout Drill Bit: $34.97
Thumb smashed with sledgehammer: Left
Profanity Used: Much