When I lived 150 years ago, I was definitely the old scraggly guy in the last wagon with a pot of beans going and some country aphorisms for anyone who would listen to me. I had a hearty breakfast, did a quick hike in the park, and headed to Abilene where I could use the library and get a used coffee mug so my beer mug wouldn’t have to do double duty going forward.
Pics: a) cookies' pots; b) boyle's law; c) grass; d) cotton fields; d) me, the beast, and JC in Ballinger
Today Miles: 421; Trip Miles: 9,258
Starting: Breaks State Park, TX (near Margaret)
Ending: Fort Stockton, TX
Route: 6S, Random Dirt SW, 83S, 67W
Number of roadkill tallies: 0*
Number of times I refrained from tallying: >20
Famous American from Abilene, Tx: Jessica Simpson
Famous American from Abilene, Ks: Dwight David Eisenhower
March 16, Midland Texas, The Ranch Nightclub, entertainment: Micro Wrestling Event (midget wrestling – http://www.microwrestling.com/)
Other tidbit of wisdom from The Ranch Nightclub website:
Other men who were weaker and less skilled at hunting, learned to live
off the conservatives by showing up for the nightly barbecues and doing
the sewing, fetching and hair dressing. This was the beginning of the
liberal movement. An interesting evolutionary side note: some of these
early liberal men eventually evolved into women.
Liberal achievements include the domestication of cats, the trade
union, the invention of group therapy and group hugs, and the concept of
democratic voting to decide how to divide the meat and beer that the
conservatives provided.
Number of comments I can make about the quote: 0**
*Today was a count-free zone.
**Except that.
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