Tuesday, December 22, 2009

December 13, 2009

Bomb the BASS!

So I am now a homeowner, so my footloose adventures wandering around will be replaced with more mundane projects and tasks. While lamentable, the reduction of my adventures will still be documented so I can share with family and friends what I am doing, and I’ll be able to remember it later.

Sometime in 2008, home entertainment center cooked out the circuit board in his subwoofer. He wrote away to the company and got a replacement board, but for some reason the new circuit board was a different size from the original. For at least fourteen months I’ve been listening to sub-par sub-woofer and staring at the circuit board laying on top of the box. Today I was going to go to the quarry and get a truck load of gravel to handle the mouse problem, but time was tight so I tackled something more manageable. It really doesn’t need much explanation – I made the hole bigger, and routed it so the panel would sit flat, then used some shoe polish to darken the MDF, drilled some pilot holes and assembled.

a) before, b) during, c) after

Datum Multiplied
Trips to home depot: 0
Money Spent on Project: $0
Profanity used: 0
MDF: Medium Density Fiber Board
KMFDM: Kein Mehrheit Fur Die Mitleid, German Industrial Rock Band (aka Kill M.F. Depeche Mode)
GDP Germany: $2.925 Trillion
International Rank: 6
Exxon Mobile Revenues: $0.443 Trillion
Fortune 500 Rank: 1
GDP of Egypt (#27): $0.445 Trillion
Population of Egypt: 83 Million
Population (employees) of Exxon: 80,000

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