Friday, February 22, 2008

February 21, 2008

A place where even squares can have a ball: a point to anyone who can tell me the song from whence that line came – a counter-counter culture anthem of the late 1960’s. by the way, this is like ‘who’s line is it anyway’ where the points don’t really count and the host is a fat white guy. Your hint for the day – I started and ended today in Oklahoma (for only the second time have consecutive travel days ended in the same state – the other was Montana).

Cosmo’s: Trying to patronize the businesses that support the programming I enjoy – I visited Cosmos Cafe at 69th and Memorial where the connectivity was good, the music was great, and the service got me a couple cups of coffee in a reasonable period of time. From there, I took memorial south until it became 75 and then I headed west using the force (and beast compass), parallel to I-40W through a series of interesting and small towns and Indian reservations until the countryside became the edges and then the center of Oklahoma City.

Famous People & Tragic Events: It is interesting to me that towns are put on the map based on the famous people that came from there, or the tragic events that occurred there. It is hard to believe that it has been 13 years since the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah building. The national monument is tasteful and moving. However, the rest of Oklahoma City merit attention that is more uplifting and enjoyable ie Automobile Alley and the other districts; especially BrickTown where I ended up staying and having dinner at the BrickTown Brewery. (no beer review as the taste-buds of the reviewer are limited by current bout of llness)

Pics: a) one of at least two yanta cowboys waving to me; b) ok city nm, Reflecting Pool and Field of Empty Chairs; c) The Survivor Tree

Games: Match the famous person with the Oklahoma Town that has a street sign or origin sign describing their Okie Heritage… (answer posted as a comment to this entry)

Mickey Mantle
Troy Aikman
Woody Guthrie
Jim Thorpe
Johnny Bench

Oklahoma City

Today Miles: 206; Trip Miles: 8,605
Price of gas in Prague, OK: $2.99
Cost of 30 minutes parking, OKCity, OK: $0.25
Times ‘she likes it in the morning’ played on country radio: 3
Candidate for Primary Chief of Okmulgee: Tiger
Unpleasant Freeze Experience (mess): Vlasic Kosher Dills

1 comment:

fat mack said...

They are in order by geography passing from northeast to southwest, and directly related to each other in the quiz. i'm not that clever today.