Monday, February 4, 2008

February 3, 2008

Happy Superbowl! Outside time was limited today because it was raining like no one's business here in 'sunny southern california.' We went out to North Park for coffee / tea and a snack at Calabria (a facility that roasts its own beans). It was a good day to sit back, relax, do some laundry, and catch up on rest and blogging (thus the several posts and cleaning up the pics in historic posts). I sat in a barber shop for a couple minutes as I had been convinced that in honor of the ‘big game’ I should get a howie long looking haircut. Fortunately, Randy the barber was dealing with another customer and I had a chance to come to my sense.

We also ran errands including a trip to Best Buy to see about some nerd stuff and Ralph's Grocery for chicken wings. Caleb put three racks of ribs in the crock pot before we left and when Dana got home from studying they fired up some corn bread from scratch and collared greens. It was a delicious feast.

Thought: Every year the news will carry a story about someone who was stranded in their vehicle in a snowstorm and I always think, “what jack-hole manages to get stranded?” Now that I have seen the ability of a storm to pack a quick wallop and the vast distances that often separate any semblance of civilization, I can actually see how it happens. Don’t get me wrong, I am still going to call them ‘Jack-holes’ but I will be more forgiving. To that end, I want to thank my Uncle Albert for giving me a gigantic yankee candle to keep in my vehicle for when I am that Jack-hole; I will have light and heat and thanks to a cruel sense of humor, the smell of sugar cookies.

Solitary pic: Bryan simultaneously strikes a pose and snoozes during the superbowl.

Notes not numbers:
A) Sorry I missed Sean & Laura’s open house in Alexandria.
B) Congratulations to Jill Holloman (Hackathorn) and her husband Jamie on the birth of their son Austin.
C) Thank you G-Men for saving us from a year of hearing about ‘perfection.’

Apology, Celebration, and Appreciation. That’s all I’ve got.

1 comment:

Xopher Lance said...

what of the durian?! Give me a durian update! Oh, and this:

it WAS the NM flag.